Design and Approvals

Design Requirements

UBC Vancouver Campus Plan

The Vancouver Campus Plan is a 3-part document covering campus evolution, a cultural audit of existing buildings and spaces, discussions surrounding opportunities, UBC priorities and implementation strategies. Of particular interest to Desgn Consultants is Part 3 - Design Guidelines.

An important design reference source for required general Sustainable Best Practices Guidelines on campus can be found in the Vancouver Campus Plan, Section 2.3.10 Sustainability Best Practice in Building Design.

For design information on exterior lighting design standards at the UBC Campus, refer to the Vancouver Campus Plan, Section 2.5.2 Lighting.

UBC Learning Space Design Guidelines

These guidelines are intended for the use of design professionals and other UBC agencies in the planning and design of learning spaces. To view or download the guidelines, visit the Learning Space Design Guidelines webpage.


Please refer to the Quality Control Process page for further information.