UBC Energy and Water Services (formerly UBC Utilities)
UBC Energy and Water Services has put together a package of information useful to Contractors and Consultants. It contains a description of processes and a checklist of requirements. Please visit the UBC Energy and Water Services Design Review Information Package.
UBC Energy and Water Jurisdiction
UBC Energy and Water Services (E&W) oversees the overall management of energy and water with a mandate of fiscal efficiency, operational excellence, environmental sustainability and innovative demonstrations. E&W is responsible for design, operation, maintenance, and overall stewardship for each of the following utility services:
- water distribution
- natural gas distribution
- steam distribution/hot water distribution
- storm drainage
- sanitary sewers
- power utilities and electrical distribution
The demarcation point of service defining UBC Energy & Water Services’ responsibility is included in the respective sections as listed above.
UBC Energy and Water Services Contact Information
UBC Energy and Water Services
2040 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Telephone: 604.822.9445
Facsimile: 604.822.8833
Key positions in Energy and Water include:
- Managing Director
- Director, Generation and Distribution
- Associate Director, Finance
- Campus Chief Engineer
- Chief Engineer, Operations Manager
- Electrical Technical Specialist
- Manager, Mechanical Distribution Services (Senior Mechanical Engineer)
- Mechanical Distribution Engineer
- Geospatial Information Manager
- Assistant Civil Engineer
- Project Coordinator
- Lead Trades: Head Electrician, Head Plumber, Head Steamfitter, Head Utilities Maintenance Engineer
Designer Responsibility
The consultant and / or contractor shall provide drawings in accordance with the Section 01781 of these guidelines. Upon completion of installation of any new or modified underground utility services, Record drawings of underground utility services shall be provided to Infrastructure Development, Records Section. Record drawings shall show utility service and/or infrastructure details as constructed including, for example pipe or infrastructure facility size, material, invert and rim elevations etc. Service profiles shall be provided in congested areas indicating location of all services.
UBC Energy and Water Development Support Services
UBC E&W’s development support services and requirements for underground utility services are outlined in a comprehensive Table (PDF). Support services and development requirements are defined in terms of UBC Board of Governors approval status.
E&W has also put together a package of information useful to contractors and consultants. It contains a description of processes and a checklist of requirements. The Development & Building Regulations document authored by Campus & Community Planning is also a useful resource.
Underground Utility Record Drawings
Record drawings for all underground utility services must be obtained from Infrastructure Development, Records Section (telephone 604.822.9570).
Utility Service Connection Applications
A Service Connection Application must be submitted for any connection to a utility service . This application is not a permit and there is no fee for this. Its primary purpose is to provide the design loads on UBC's utility systems, and it shall be considered to be approved along with the Development and/or Building Permit issued by Campus Planning.
For the Service Connection Application and other request forms go to: https://energy.ubc.ca/community-services/contractors-developers/ .
Permits from the provincial Electric Safety Branch, Gas Safety Branch, Boiler Safety Branch, Excavation Permits (UBC Campus Planning) and Plumbing permits (UBC Campus Planning) are the responsibility of the project team.
Development and Building Permit Approval by UBC Energy & Water Services
The Director, Generation & Distribution of UBC Energy and Water Services has sole authority to authorize underground utility service aspects of any development. Sign-off of development permits by UBC E&W is coordinated by the Manager of Development Services in Campus and Community Planning.
Locating Existing Underground Services
Once the applicable permits are approved and record drawings obtained, the Contractor (or in-house crew) performing construction is responsible to locate all underground services as per Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) standards. Specifically, MMCD (2000 edition) Section 4.3.4 specifies:
Before commencing any Work at the Place of Work, the Contractor shall be responsible to locate all underground utilities and structures indicated on the Contract Drawings as being at the Place of Work. The Contractor shall also be responsible to consult with … corporation that provides electricity, telephone, or gas service in the area of the Place of Work, to locate any underground utilities of which they have records. The Contractor shall also locate any other utilities (e.g. water, sanitary, storm, steam) or underground structures that are reasonably apparent in an inspection of the Place of Work.
Furthermore, WorkSafeBC standards including Part 20, Section G20.79 shall be strictly followed:
- Before excavating or drilling with powered tools and equipment, the location of all underground utility services in the area must be accurately determined, and any danger to workers from the services must be controlled.
- Excavation or drilling work in proximity to an underground service must be undertaken in conformity with the requirements of the owner of the service.
- Pointed tools must not be used to probe for underground gas and electrical services.
- Powered equipment used for excavating must be operated so as to avoid damage to underground utility services or danger to workers.
As necessary, use of pipe locators and hand digging must be employed until all known services are located. UBC is a member of BC One Call.
Once the project team has obtained permits, record drawings, and made all reasonable efforts to locate underground utility services, UBC E&W will provide trades staff support to assist in verifying locations, condition, and features of existing underground services (electricity, gas, steam/hot water, storm, sanitary, and water). Trades staff will be supported by UBC E&W engineering and technical professionals.
Written requests (facsimile or email) shall be submitted as follows:
- For electrical service: Electrical Technical Specialist
- For gas, steam/hot water, water, sanitary, or storm: Manager, Mechanical Distribution Services
- Requests shall normally be submitted 3 working days in advance to enable scheduling of support crews.
- Requests for telecommunication and street lights are not within the jurisdiction of UBC E&W .
UBC Energy and Water Services reserves the right to charge a $300 fixed fee per utility service per site.
Service Shutdowns
UBC Energy and Water Services has sole authority and responsibility to perform shutdowns (or cross connections) of the systems within its jurisdiction. Shutdown of systems within UBC E&W jurisdiction shall not be performed by Contractors. No contractor or personnel other than Utilities trades staff is permitted to operate E&W owned infrastructure including water and gas valves, manhole lids/access, and meter stations.
To initiate a shutdown, written request must be made using the standard protocol and form.
- To initiate a shutdown, written request must be made using the standard protocol and form.
The Shutdown form can be found at: