General Principles
The UBC Technical Guidelines were created within the context of, and to implement the principles and goals of, the following University policies and planning documents:
- Land Use Plan
- UBC Strategic Plan
- Vancouver Campus Plan
- UBC Policy SC4 Environmental Protection Policy
- UBC Policy SC1 Health and Safety Policy
- UBC Transportation Plans
All of these envision sustainability strategies for UBC lands, where "UBC will provide leadership by demonstrating the means to a sustainable community, including setting new standards for design, construction and operations".
Land Use Plan
This plan covers land use and transportation objectives:
- Maintain a Viable Green Zone
- Build complete communities within a compact area (ref. land use plan)
- Encourage transit preferred transportation (ref. transportation plan)
- Environmental Soundness
This is primarily a planning document, but it does emphasize that the University is a complete community enveloping all walks of life. This community is to be universally accommodated in design.
Technical Impact
- tree and vegetation retention required
- transit and cyclist facilities
- services address energy conservation
A Legacy and a Promise - Physical Planning at UBC
A Legacy and a Promise - Physical Planning at UBC holds eight Key Principles for evaluating proposed physical changes within the University Lands:
- Each physical change is to enrich and complete the whole campus.
- Build a vibrant and ever-changing community.
- Strong, positive and enduring places to remember.
- Demonstrate the means to a sustainable community (environmental responsibility) and in harmony with the natural setting.
- Maintain the 1,000 acres land endowment in perpetuity.
- Evaluate from a world perspective (aesthetic, social, economic and ecological).
- Global leadership opportunities.
- Collaborate with the community.
The Key Principles "will be the standard or screen by which all development – large or small, new or renovated – is measured".
Place and Promise: The UBC Plan (2012)
In the UBC Strategic Plan , UBC has made ten commitments with goals and actions designed to realize its vision for the future.
Vancouver Campus Plan: Sections 1-3 (2010)
The Vancouver Campus Plan is the planning guideline for the development of the academic core including strategies for evaluating and implementing projects. This generally deals with the planning, use, density, siting and exterior aspects of buildings.
Values within the Main Campus Plan include quality construction for permanence and economy, and leadership in environmental responsibility.
UBC Policies
UBC Policies communicate policies and procedures which have university-wide application and provide a basis for decision making. See:
- UBC Policy SC4 Environmental Protection Policy
- UBC Policy SC1 Health and Safety Policy
(direction on Worksafe BC and WHMIS as minimum standards)
UBC Building Operations Facility & Infrastructure Management Plan
The UBC Building Operations Facility & Infrastructure Management Plan – "Investing in Renewal" – addresses specific strategies for operations, maintenance and capital renewal of facilities.
UBC Strategic Transportation Plan
The UBC Transportation Plans include the core policies on Transportation Demand Management (TDM):
- strategies to facilitate reduced air pollution, noise, collisions, congestion, delays
and stress – on campus and to/from campus – for UBC commuters, visitors and
truckers - scope covers building and community design, site traffic management, parking and
heavy trucking - technical guidelines on U-Pass, transit, carpool, bicycling, telecommuting and other
alternatives to single occupant vehicles (SOVs)
Food Services
Designers to consult with Food Services on space and servicing requirements on projects where Food Service outlets are contemplated as future tenant improvements.
UBC Food Services
Tel: 604.822.3663